Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Leading differently

Leaders who lock develop a vision by themselves and then cast it to others bore me. Not because they are boring people. most are pretty dynamic folks. They bore me because it's the lowest form of leadership. the kind of leadership that promises what it can't deliver. At it's root it's belief in the individual or their ideas for everyone's future. yawn. it reminds me of the church marquee. "We're praying for you" What could they possibly be praying for me about really. and who is we? Deep down it's nice to know that there is a church leader somewhere out there targeting to come to their church. A bit weird and creepy. but they have good intentions for me and my life.

there is a growing number of leadership who sidestep this kind of leadership opportunity and step into a leadership style that isn't... well... so arrogantly individual.

what gets my heart pumping are the leaders who help the people they lead remember and imagine dreams God placed in their lives years ago, but that were driven out by circumstances, church leaders, or church machines that endless eat dreams of people.

These leaders reawaken the story God has been working in them. The projects, ministries and people that drove them to place their faith and hope in God in the first place.

Good leaders drive their own vision and they build fantastic sized churches and occassionally deeply committed disciples.

Great leader empower disciples of all ages, shapes and sizes to dream again.

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